


Power: 30-100 W
Frequency: 13.56 and 27.12 MHz
Gases: argon and its gas mixtures
Gas flow rate: 100-2000 sccm
Pressure: 1 bar

Technology Readiness Level: 


The HelixJet is a capacitively coupled radio-frequency (RF) plasma source operating at atmospheric pressure. The RF power is applied to two double helix electrodes. The electrodes are placed outside a quartz tube fed by the working gas. The HelixJet has unique features highly relevant for practical applications. The innovative double helix electrode design enables extremely stable and homogeneous plasma conditions at low gas flow rates. This plays a crucial role for the quality and reproducibility of several applications, e.g. PECVD of SiO₂ with a large footprint diameter or plasma microprinting of polymeric profiles (e.g. polyamide).


Deposition of silicon oxide films on silicon using HelixJet - an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet process below 100 °C
L. Rebohle, A. Quade, T. Schumann, D. Blaschke, R. Hübner, R. Heller, R. Foest, J. Schäfer, and W. Skorupa, Thin Solid Films 753 (2022) 139257.

Helix jet - an innovative plasma source for next generation additive manufacturing (3D printing)
J. Schäfer, A. Quade, K. J. Abrams, F. Sigeneger, M. M. Becker, C. Majewski, and C. Rodenburg, Plasma Processes and Polymers 17 (2020) 1900099.



Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2
17489 Greifswald
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The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) is the largest non-university institute in the field of low temperature plasmas, their basics and technical applications in Europe. The institute carries out research and development from idea to prototype. The topics focus on the needs of the market. At present, plasmas for materials and energy as well as for environment and health are the focus of interest.


For further information and/or interest in collaborations please contact:

Dr. Rüdiger Foest
Plasma Surface Technology

Tel.: +49 3834 554 3835
Fax: +49 3834 554 301

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