Project Description
The interdisciplinary nature of research in the field of plasma technology poses special challenges for research data management. Due to the wide range of applications of plasma technology, research takes place in the scientific fields of physics, electrical engineering, biology and medicine, among others. This results in a high volume of extremely heterogeneous research data. Available reseach data management infrastructures offer only insufficient possibilities for the reuse and, in particular, the linking of these data.
Within the framework of the project Interdisciplinary Plasma Technology Data Platform - InPT-Dat, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology has developed the data platform INPTDAT. The aim of this research data platform is to provide new possibility for the sharing of research data and information in the field of plasma technology in accordance with the FAIR Data Principles. The metadata schema Plasma-MDS has been developed for the annotation of research data managed by INPTDAT. The services developped within the framework of the project support recent activities in the field of data driven plasma science by providing direct access to research data sets.
The InPT-Dat project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant mark 16FDM005.
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