Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2
17489 Greifswald

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) is the largest non-university institute in the field of low temperature plasmas, their basics and technical applications in Europe. The institute carries out research and development from idea to prototype. The topics focus on the needs of the market. At present, plasmas for materials and energy as well as for environment and health are the focus of interest.

Cite Dataset

The effect of oxygen admixture on the properties of microwave generated plasma in Ar-O₂ : a modelling study - dataset

This work presents the datasets of the results of a self-consistent modelling analysis on microwave plasma generated in Ar-O₂ mixtures at a frequency of 2.45 GHz at atmospheric pressure. The study focuses on how the plasma properties are in uenced by the increase of the oxygen fraction in the gas mixture. The oxygen admixture is increased from 1 up to 95 % in mass for values of the input microwave power of 1 and 1.5 kW. The results show that for a power of 1 kW and gradually increasing the oxygen admixture from 1 to 25 % the electron density drops by a factor of more than 4 due to the energy lost by the electrons due to dissociation of oxygen molecules and the gas heating. An analysis of the number densities of species produced in the Ar-O₂ plasma is presented. Oxygen admixtures of above 50 % are considered along with an increase of the input microwave power in order to supply the discharge with electron number density values of the order of 10^19 m^-3. Gas temperatures above 3700 K are obtained in the plasma core along with a strong production of oxygen atoms with a number density of the order of 10^23 m^-3.

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Permanent Identifier (DOI)
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Is supplementing
Plasma Source Name
Plasma Source Application
Plasma Source Specification
Plasma Source Properties

For an incoming power of 1 kW, the predicted absorbed power varies from 56 W (1% O2) up to 211 W (50% O2). The electron temperature in the main plasma region increases with the increase of oxygen admixture from about 0.87 to 1.1 eV. The obtained number density of electrons at 1% O2 of about 10^20 m^-3 progressively decreases with the increase of the oxygen admixture.
The gas temperature increases gradually with the oxygen admixture.

Plasma Source Procedure

The microwave plasma is generated in a quartz tube placed in a rectangular waveguide at the position of maximum electric field. A gas (Ar or mixtures Ar/O2) is fed through the tube. The plasma initially ignites at the position of maximum electric field but moves towards the incoming microwave. Due to the interaction of the plasma with the microwave a part of the incoming microwave power is absorbed while a significant part of the power is reflected back. The reflected power is larger in pure Ar. The admixture of oxygen allows one to couple a larger part to the plasma. Electron density in the order of 10^20 m^-3 and electron temperature of about 1 eV are reached. The gas temperature can reach values between about 1000 K and 4000 K.

Plasma Medium Name
Plasma Medium Properties

Mixture of Ar and O2, the O2-admixture is varied from 1% up to 95% in mass. The gas flow rate is varied from 2slm up to 16 slm. Typical flow rates are between 14 and 16 slm.

Plasma Medium Procedure

The increase of the O2-admixture has to be followed by an increase of the input power to keep the maximum value of the electron number density. The gas flow rate has to be matched to avoid overheating of the tube walls.

Public Access Level
Contact Name
Baeva, Margarita
Contact Email

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