Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2
17489 Greifswald

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) is the largest non-university institute in the field of low temperature plasmas, their basics and technical applications in Europe. The institute carries out research and development from idea to prototype. The topics focus on the needs of the market. At present, plasmas for materials and energy as well as for environment and health are the focus of interest.

Cite Dataset

Double-pulse LIBS in water with up to 600 bar hydrostatic pressure and up to 150 mJ energy of each pulse

Double-pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measurements in water with up to 600 bar hydrostatic pressure and 150 mJ energy of each pulse were done to select a setup which promote separated spectral lines in the observed plasma emission even at elevated pressures, where line broadening until loss of the most spectral information can occur. For this a compact spectrometer und a Czerny-Turner spectrometer, both fiber-based, has been applied to investigate the dependence of the emitted radiation on different parameters and hydrostatic pressure. The spectral data with an exposure time of 100 ns was measured with a Roper Acton Spectra Pro 500i with connected PI-MAX2 camera, whereas the spectral data with an exposure time of 1 ms was measured with an Avantes AvaSpec ULS17502F-USB2 compact spectrometer.

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Permanent Identifier (DOI)
Permanent Identifier (URI)
Is supplementing
Plasma Source Name
Plasma Source Application
Plasma Source Specification
Plasma Source Properties

Double-pulse laser with two 1064-nm Nd:YAG lasers with an energy of up to 150 mJ each pulse and a pulse duration of 5–7 ns

Plasma Source Procedure

The first laser pulse creates a cavity on the material surface to be analyzed and a second laser pulse forms the plasma inside the cavity.

Plasma Medium Name
Plasma Medium Properties

Tap water with a hydrostatic pressure of up to 600 bar

Plasma Target Name
Plasma Target Properties
Copper platelet
Plasma Diagnostics Name
Plasma Diagnostics Properties

a) OES with a Czerny-Turner spectrometer Roper Acton Spectra Pro 500i with connected PI-MAX2 camera with a wave length range from 472 nm to 557 nm and an exposure time of 100 ns.

b) Avantes AvaSpec ULS17502F-USB2 compact spectrometer with a wave length range from 436 nm to 535 nm and an exposure time of 1 ms.

Plasma Diagnostics Procedure

Different parameters of the measured spectra were examined for further calculations. This includes: the line integrated intensity and the line width for the atomic lines at 510.

Public Access Level
Contact Name
Marion Henkel
Contact Email

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