Plasma as a cross-sectional technology in many industry branches, but also in research laboratories, is an indispensable tool in surface treatment. Plasma technology is used everywhere where quality, productivity, environmental...
Plasma as a cross-sectional technology in many industry branches, but also in research laboratories, is an indispensable tool in surface treatment. Plasma technology is used everywhere where quality, productivity, environmental...
Presented data was obtained from the analysis of the impact of the electrode proximity on the streamer breakdown and development of pulsed-driven dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) in a singlefilament arrangement in a gas mixture of 0.1 vol% O2...
The data set is related to a two-dimensional and stationary magneto-hydrodynamic model of a plasma spray torch operated with argon, which is developed to predict the plasma properties in a steady operating mode. The model couples a submodel of a...
The data set comprises full cavity ring-down spectra and absorption coefficients obtained from on-off-resonance measurements, in order to determine the spatial distribution of HO₂ in the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci. Therefore...
The Ar(³P₂) metastable density in the effluent of the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci was investigated as a function of the feed gas humidity, the gas curtain composition, and the distance from the nozzle by means of laser atomic...
An appropriate coupling of an arc plasma column in the state of local thermodynamic equilibrium to a refractory cathode necessarily involves the non-equilibrium boundary layer between them. A model has been developed that combines a model of an...
In this work we present for the first time a unified model of a low-current short-length arc between copper electrodes. The model employs one-dimensional fluid description of the plasma in argon and copper vapour at atmospheric pressure and the...
The dataset contains data from comparative studies of capacitively coupled radio-frequency (CCRF) discharges in helium and argon at pressures between 10 and 80 Pa applying two different fluid modeling approaches as well as two independently...
This dataset contains plasma parameters of microarcs generated between a cooled copper anode and a ceriated tungsten cathode by means of a one-dimensional unified non-equilibrium model for gap lengths between 15 and 200 µm and current densities...
The data set comprises the spatial distributions of H and O atoms in the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci. The data was obtained by means of picosecond two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (ps-TALIF) and...