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Precision spectroscopy of non-thermal molecular plasmas - Fig. 2

Measured high-resolution spectra of a plasma nitrocarburizing. The x-axis is wavenumber (in cm⁻¹) and the y-axis is absorption. Measurement conditions: Pulsed DC discharge of 1 kHz and a duty cycle of 60 %; process pressure of 3 mbar; Plasma power = 26 W, Process pressure = 3 mbar; Precursor gases: N₂ and H₂ with mass flow rates of 10 cm³ min⁻¹ at standard conditions. An active screen of CFC was used as a source of carbon.

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Additional Information

filesize6.42 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampJul 13, 2024
Resource filetype csv
Resource datatype data table
Resource range Plasma power = 26 W
Resource quality published