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Spatial distribution of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet - Fig. 7c

Spatial density distributions of H atoms as a function of the radial distance from the centre of the nozzle x and the axial distance from the nozzle z, obtained from an interpolation between the experimental data points. Measured H atom density in m-3, x between -4 mm and 4 mm, Δx=0.24 mm, z between 0 and 10, Δz=0.001 mm - see Fig. 7c in the publication.

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Additional Information

filesize115.73 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampDec 01, 2020
Resource filetype csv
Resource datatype 2D image data
Resource range water in feed gas: 1000 ppm; gas curtain: 100% oxygen
Resource quality published